of Pysanky
and pysanka, the singular form, are derived from a Ukrainian word meaning
"to write." Pysanky are whole, raw eggs which have been decorated with
a wax-resist method whereby one draws (or "writes," as Ukrainians
would say) those portions of the design one wishes to be white with melted wax
on the plain, white egg. A small, hollow funnel attached to a stick is often
used to heat the wax and write with. This tool is called a kistka. One
then dips the egg in a light colored dye - yellow, for instance - and writes
those designs that are intended to be yellow. Another, darker dye bath is
followed by more writing, and so on till the entire design in its several colors
is on the egg. One then heats the egg, often in the flame of a candle, and wipes
the melted wax off it. This is the finished pysanka.
have discovered ceramic pysanky in Ukraine dating back to 1300 B.C. They
have linked pysanky designs to those of Egyptian ceramics created in 1500 B.C.,
and to symbolism of the Trypilljan
culture in Ukraine of 3000 B.C. Six thousand years ago, the
Trypilljan culture flourished in Ukraine. The society existed 3000 years
before biblical Abraham and long before Greek mythology and the Bronze Age.
Trypilljan people lived in the land of Ukraine at the same time as the Egyptian
pyramids were built. The Trypilljans were a matriarchal society that worshipped
"mother earth" and had little interest in power struggles concerning
politics, taxes, money and ruling, as in patriarchal societies.
Trypilljans lived peacefully with each other and with their neighbors. The
tools people used most were hoes and sickles, not clubs and arrows. Their
homes were decorated inside and out with beautiful drawings and paintings.
Because they took time for artistic and aesthetic beauty, scientists feel they
had enough food and time to spend on higher pursuits such as beauty and art.
In both design and color, Trypilljan symbolism echoed the people's close
attachment to the soil and other elements of nature. Ukrainian symbolic
art is based, in large measure, on these early ideograms. The most notable
example is the Ukrainian meander or unending line, which denotes the cyclical
nature of life. Other examples include such motifs as the circle, cross,
stars, dots, matriarchal symbols, wheat, fir tree, horse, stag, horns and bear's
is a symbol on "pysanka"? It is a word picture, an ideogram, a code, containing the
secrets of a culture. More effectively than words it reveals feelings:
love, happiness, hope, dread, despair, etc. To those who understand
symbolic art, it means something, and to those who cannot decipher the
code, it remains a mystery. The
sense of mystery is inherent
because each pysanka involves a trinity
of symbolisms: the symbolism of the
egg itself, the symbolism of design,
and the symbolism of color.
Since the earliest of times
people have sought meaning for life’s mysteries and in the process have found
the need for worship. One of the earliest objects of worship for primitive man
was the sun and in Ukraine, eggs were an integral part of the ceremonial rites
of sun worship. The ancient Ukrainians determined that when an egg was broken
the yolk represented the sun and the white the moon. Beeswax was considered as a magical ingredient of the
writing process. This was entwined with the sun cult. The wax was made
from honey; the honey was collected from flowers; flowers grew because of the
sun. The egg became part of various
ceremonies and took on a particular significance in the spring rituals. In
winter Earth was dormant and appeared to have no life, just as the egg appeared
to have no life. But as the seemingly dead egg hatched a living thing the earth
too sprang to life in spring. Consequently, the egg became a symbol of life.
tradition of decorating eggs, especially at Easter or in spring, was widespread
through Europe. It was especially prevalent in Slavic areas. There were the
Moravian eggs from Czachia and the Sorbian eggs from the Slavic tribes of
eastern Germany. Nowhere, however, did the decoration of eggs become so vital a
part of a society’s culture as it did in Ukraine. The people in Ukraine came
to see the egg, now referred to as pysanky, as a talisman. Pysanky became part
of daily life and were believed to possess power. Evil pirits were believed to
be afraid of the rooster and chicken eggs. The Cossacks often took roosters with
them on their travels to serve as time clocks and also to ward off evil. To the
ancient people of all cultures life could not be lived without a talisman of
some sort. Danger was everywhere. In the Ukraine, pysanky became needed,
necessary, and cherished.
various times of the year or at points of passage in a person’s life the
pysanky took on mystical meaning. Colors and designs came into being to be
representative of nature and life itself. Children were given pysanky with
floral designs in a usually light color. Teenagers would receive pysanky with predominantly
white coloring to signify the blank page of their future. Married couples were
given pysanky with the popular 40 triangles design which in Ukrainian culture
symbolized the forty tasks of life. An older person of advanced age received
black pysanky with belts, ladders and gates to remind them of their bridge to
practice of giving pysanky became part of the Ukrainian tradition and also
served as a means of preserving and continuing the art of pysanky itself. For
centuries the designs and symbols used on pysanky were handed down from mother
to daughter. The cultural heritage of the Ukrainian nation was entrusted this
the acceptance of Christianity in Ukraine in the year 988 A.D. pysanky became a
part of the Christian tradition of Easter and now took on the meaning of the
rebirth of man and the resurrection of God. The egg symbol was likened to the
tomb from which Christ arose. There is no point where we can determine where the
pagan beliefs and customs of pysanky end and where the Christian symbolism
begins. In reality a subtle blending of both has occurred.
In a similar way the traditional approach and the modern one has blended for pysanky artists. Pysanky used to be made at night by women only when the rest of the household was asleep. Before a Ukrainian woman could begin a pysanka she needed to be in the right spiritual frame of mind. The day prior to her beginning her pysanka she would avoid speaking ill of anyone, would exercise patience in dealing with others, and she would tenderly care for her family. No one was allowed to observe her creating her pysanka since the sole purpose of pysanky art was to ward off evil. This was a mystical expression of the Ukrainian people. The concept has evolved and now, although there are some who maintain a strict traditionalist view, pysanky has joined the ranks of other art forms as a personal expression of the individual artist. But what hasn’t changed are the links to an ancient culture and all the symbolism and heritage those links imply.
I have noticed a lot of people misspelling the word "Ukrainian," writing it without the first "i", like "Ukranian." If
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Ukraine if you spell it "Ukrainian."